- Chop chocolate into small pieces and place over a double boiler until it is melted half way.
- Meanwhile, heat the 1/2 cup cream in a small saucepan until it is at a rolling boil.
- Pour a little of the cream over the half-melted chocolate.
- If the chocolate starts to become hard, add a little more of the warm cream.
- Once the chocolate becomes smooth, shiny and taffy like, it is finished.
- You may not need to add all of the cream.
- Allow the mixture to cool.
- Place the 1 1/2 cups of cold heavy cream in a mixing bowl with the granulated sugar and the vanilla extract and whip on high until it reaches medium peaks.
- Fold the whipped cream into the chocolate a little at a time.
- When it is completely incorporated, place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.
- The mousse may be made well in advance but should be frozen if it is not used within 2 days.
- If mousse is frozen it can be thawed over night in the refrigerator.
 171 E. Bay Street, Charleston, SC, 29401 843-722-9200