Fresh Turmeric and Lemon Thyme Crusted Halibut on Sunchoke & Vidalia Onion Nage with Grilled Porcini


Serves 4

Ingredients for Halibut

4-6 oz portions Halibut (1”-11/2 thick block)
3 oz Olive Oil
Salt and fresh ground Black Pepper for seasoning
Chili Oil to garnish
Ingredients for Nage 2 tbsp Olive Oil
1 small to medium sized Vidalia Onion
sliced thin (or another sweet onion)
11/2 tbsp chopped Garlic
11/4 tsp grated fresh Tumeric
8 oz peeled sunchokes (Jeruselem artichoke) cut into 1/8” disks
11/2 cup 1998 Jekel Vineyards Monteray Johannisberg Riesling (if you dare part with any)
3/4 cup White wine (with good acid: sav blanc, etc. . .)
1/2 cup Rice Wine Vinegar
3/4 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp fresh ground Black Pepper
3/4 cup Chickenm Stock
1 tbsp Butter
4 oz Spinach cut into 1/4“ wide ribbon
1/2 tbsp picked Lemon Thyme Leaves
1/2 tbsp chopped Italian Parsley

710 W.Trade Street, Charlotte, NC, 28202